This was my Saturday :
Perfect day of weekend without any classes and obviously, there's no point
in waking up early(hehe). My friends Ramadia, Aziz, Diyana and i went on
an outing instead of busy doing nothing at the hostel. It was like half of my
classmates went out, so did the other Uitm students. And that, actually what
made the bus super crowded, not to mention the smells of the people(urgh).
Guess what? The Rock is back to action. We managed to watch his movie,
FASTER, which started at 2.05pm and ended at 3.50pm. At the beginning
of the story was quite slow and dull, me myself pretty much to fall asleep.
However, it's worth the force to stay awake to see the ending of the story.
Well im not gonna tell ya.
One more thing, if this movie ended too late, surely we will the bus but...lucky us! :)
Photos by Madia.